Friday, October 16, 2009

Funny Photo Friday

Where else can I display the cutest pictures of my clients? Right here! This morning I was thinking, I really should put these really cute and funny pictures on my blog. I think everyone should see them. Requirements for Funny Photo Friday:

1. Totally random, just happened to capture something really funny or unique.
2. The silliest of facial expressions.
3. A picture that just happened to sneak up on me after I have completely finished editing a session.
4. Something YOU would enjoy seeing as much as I enjoy showing it.

Ok now for the very first Funny Photo Friday, we have a 3 week old baby boy. I think his momma must have been watching Austin Powers because he was totally giving me some Dr. Evil....this is just so hilarious. Look at his sweet face, he's totally into character.

For the second Funny Photo, we have a sweet baby girl. She has the most hilarious facial expressions. During our session, I had a hard time focusing because she was so funny and so sweet. So of course this one caught my eye, after I had delivered her pictures to her parents. I had to share this one somehow:)

Enjoy and check back every Friday for more Funny Photo's from your sessions!

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